Sunday, January 31, 2010

England: 2000 years ago

2,000 years ago in England there lived people called "Celts". They were the first Britons. They lived on small farms and in small tribal villages all over England.
They often fought with other Celtic tribes for control of land, resources or simply because they liked to fight!

Look at this skull from a Celtic grave. Can you guess how he died?

Perhaps this weapon was involved?

Or maybe this one?

The Celtic people also made some very beautiful things. Sometimes people find these things in their garden! The Celtic people often buried their valuable things because there were no banks in those days. Here are some examples:
Gold bracelets and necklaces
A gold coin

Celtic people were very famous for their skill in making metal. They often traded their metal with people on mainland Europe in what is now France and Spain. Sometimes the Celts helped their European friends in their small wars and even their big wars! In 56BC (2,066 years ago), The Celts helped their European friends fight against a new and dangerous European power: The Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire controlled a large part of the ancient world.

It was very powerful because it had a large, disciplined army. To control its empire the romans built many roads on which their army could travel very rapidly. The also built many military bases in the countries they occupied which can still be seen today in aerial photographs. This is part "Hadrian's Wall" which was built to keep the northern border safe from Scottish tribes people known as "Picts".

The Roman's knowledge of science was excellent. They built large aquaducts to bring water from the mountains hundreds of miles away!

The Romans enjoyed sports and often held gladiator fights in big arenas:

They built many beautiful buildings some of which are still used today! Here are some examples:

The Romans were able to build these beautiful buildings because they were the first to develop and use cement!
The Romans also enjoyed taking baths in beautiful public baths like this one in Bath, England. It is still in use today!

Roman Invasion

So, the Romans were a highy advanced culture with a strong military. They had a difficult time fighting with the Gauls (France) who were helped by the Celts. After defeating the Gauls, Julius Caesar, a famous Roman general, decided to punish the Celts for helping the Gauls. He invaded Britain twice, in 55BC and the next year, 54BC. Both times the Celts fought the Romans and both times the Romans decided it was safer to go back to France! The Celts were very tough!

The Romans didn't give up, however. They came back with a massive army in 43AD. They even brought war elephants!

Britain became a Roman colony after many battles with the Celtic tribes. Some Celtic tribes decided it was better to make a deal with the powerful Roman army. Any tribe that resisted the Romans found their villages burned to the ground and all of their women and children sold as slaves.

The Romans build London, AD47
Did you know that the Romans built London? Yes, that's right! The Romans decided that it was a good place to build a Roman military camp during the early years of the Roman occupation. Over the years it got bigger and bigger:

Here is how the Roman city looked with some modern landmarks added:

The Romans had to struggle to get the Celtic people to accept their rule but their policy was to divide and conquer. Some powerful tribes received lots of gold from the Romans to help them control the other tribes. This didn't always work. Queen Boudicca of the Iceni organized a rebellion against the Romans after they attacked her and then raped her daughters in a dispute over money. Boudicca's revolt killed many Romans and burned all of the Roman cities including London!              
However, after about 100 years the Celtic people began to enjoy the financial, trade, and security benefits of Roman rule. Gradually, the Celtic people began to see themselves as citizens of Rome.

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